The Improving Action of Continuous Solid Solution 连续固溶体的基体改进作用
Plagioclase is a continuous solid solution series of albite anorthite, but its crystal structure is in continuous, which can be divided into several feldspar areas with different structure and attachment. 斜长石是钠长石-钙长石的连续固溶体系列,但在晶体结构上并不连续,可以划分成几种结构和连生不同的长石区。
The concept of concentration waves and the reciprocal lattice approach provide the foundation of this modern view of continuous phase transformations. Herein, these concepts are combined with free energy-composition and phase diagrams to survey systematically and interpret the continuous transformation occuring in metallic solid solution. 浓度波理论和倒易空间的近似方法提供了研究连续相变的基础,运用这些概念结合自由能-成分和相图系统评述了连续相变中的基本规律。
In order to solve the difficult problem of determining melting-point diagram, a predicting method is proposed in this paper for solid-liquid equilibria of binary system which is type of continuous solid solution. 本文为解决二组元连续固体溶液型固液平衡的熔化线测定的困难,提出了一种推算方法。
Chromatographic analysis of the gas phase and liquid phase products in different stages of reduction and reaction displayed that the yield of C1-C4 alcohols increased with the continuous formation of Co-Cu solid solution. 对不同还原和反应阶段的催化剂的催化产物进行分析的结果表明:随着固溶体物相的不断生成,低碳醇的量也相应增加。
The crystal parameters of LiFePO_4 were changed with the partial substitution of Ni for Fe, the continuous solid solution of LiFe_ ( 1-x) Ni_xPO_4 was obtained. The particle size was reduced after doping. Ni替代部分Fe,改变了LiFePO4的晶胞参数,获得了完全连续固溶的LiFe1-xNixPO4,掺杂后,样品的粒径变小。
A continuous solid solution was formed at high temperatures ( above 860 ℃). 发现在高温(860℃以上)时,形成连续固溶体。